The Manhattan Transfer 50th In the fall of '72 ... It’s been fifty years since Tim Hauser, a former Madison Avenue marketing executive, paid his bills by driving a New York City cab while aspiring to form a harmony vocal quartet sui generis that could authentically embrace varied musical styles, and still create something wholly unique in the field of American popular song. The legendary vocal group a harmony vocal quartet unique in the field of American popular song Read the history
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A legacy of song Signed to Atlantic Records by the legendary head of the label, Ahmet Ertegun, the group released their self-titled debut in 1975; the second single from the album, a remake of the Friendly Brothers gospel classic “Operator,” gave the group their first national hit. “Operator” took radio stations by storm, from the opening four-part a cappella intro to Siegel’s emotional lead vocal, eventually peaking in the Top 20. The Albums Discover the music The Junction 2018 A Capella Christmas 2005 The Chick Corea Songbook 2009 Vibrate 2004 The Symphony Sessions 2006 Couldn't Be Hotter 2003