Alan Paul
Alan Paul is one of the founding members of The Manhattan Transfer and an eight-time Grammy Award recipient. He was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey and began his professional career on Broadway at the age of 12 in the original Broadway cast of Oliver. As a child actor, he worked extensively in stage, film and TV; some of the productions include The King and I, The Pawnbroker, The Pursuit of Happiness and The Patty Duke Show.
Alan left his professional career in order to go to college and expand his musical studies. He graduated from Kean University earning a BA in Music Education. After graduating from college, Alan returned to New York to pursue his musical career and was cast in the original Broadway production of Grease where he created the roles of Teen Angel and Johnny Casino.
In 1972, while still performing in Grease, Alan met Janis Siegel, Tim Hauser and Laurel Masse’ and together formed a vocal group know as The Manhattan Transfer. Cheryl Bentyne replaced Laurel Masse’ in 1979 and with a career spanning over 45 years, The Manhattan Transfer has recorded over thirty albums, were inducted into the Vocal Group Hall of Fame and have received ten Grammy Awards. Known for their eclectic range of singing, they were the first group to ever receive two Grammys in both jazz and pop categories for their top ten recordings of “Boy From NYC” and jazz rendition of Count Basie’s “Corner Pocket.” Their album, Vocalese, received twelve Grammy nominations of including Best Male jazz vocalist for his rendition of “I Remember Clifford.” Vocalesewon three Grammy Awards that year.
In 1992 Alan received two Honorary Doctorate degrees, one in The Humanities from Kean University and another in Music from Berklee College of Music along with his Transfer partners.As a writer and arranger Alan is also well represented having penned such songs as: Twilight Zone/Twilight Tone, Code Of Ethics, Smile Again, Spies In The Night, Malaise en Malaisie, All Heart, The Quietude, What Goes Around Comes Around, Santa Man, Its Good Enough To Keep, Stompin! At Mahogany Hall, Nothin! Could Be Hotter Than That and Ragtime In Pixiland.
Alan has recorded two solo albums, Another Place in Time and most recently, Shu Bop. The latter was produced by Paul and Ted Perlman and pays tribute to classic doo-wop and popular music from the 1950’s and early 60’s. Some of the singers, vocal groups and arrangers that influenced the making of this album were Dion DiMucchi (Dion and The Belmonts), The Platters, Jackie Wilson and Jimmy Beaumont and The Skyliners. Shu Bop also features two songs that were arranged and conducted by the legendary Ray Ellis who worked on the critically acclaimed Billy Holiday LP, A Lady In Satin.
Another Place and Time, Alan’s first solo album, is a compilation of classic standards by writers such as Hoagy Carmichael, Frank Losser, and Michel Legrand. The album features Paul’s crooning and swinging sensibilities as beautifully juxtaposed against a tapestry of orchestral and big band arrangements.
In 2006, Alan produced an album for singer Laura Ellis entitled Here Lies Love that was released on King Records in Japan.
In 2016, his latest record Shu Bop was released. This album pays tribute to classic doo-wop and popular music from the 1950’s and early 60’s. It also features two songs that were arranged and conducted by the legendary Ray Ellis who worked on the critically acclaimed Billy Holiday LP, A Lady In Satin.
Shu Bob is now available on iTunes, Amazon and CD.
When he’s not touring with The Manhattan Transfer, Paul also enjoys teaching voice and leading vocal jazz masterclasses for a new generation of singers at high schools and universities.
He lives in Los Angeles with his wife of 34 years; writer, life coach and model Angela Paul. They have a daughter, Arielle Paul, a writer, singer/songwriter and entrepreneur who graduated from UC Berkeley and is the co-founder of the blog, I, Echo Park. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, composer Dan Gross, who has to his credit the score for Comedy Central’s Drunk History.
Comments 43
Hello Alan
Sitting here listening to ‘Little gal in Calico’ (inter alia) … love your work
Hi Alan,
Revisisted Vocalese recently…decided I like Frankie Valli after seeing Jersey Boys last year. Your work has always thrilled me since hearing you at Newark Y in high school.
I moved your show at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival last February and have been listening a lot of the Chick Corea songbook,
Your bandmates have very nice web sites talking about the other projects, but I can’t find yours. Do you have a site?
Alan, I was your groupie in the late seventies. Loved all your MT songs. So good to read your bio here. Best wishes!!
Hi Alan
I worked with you in Oliver with Barry Pearl.Baryy still calls me,love to hear from you
Best Regards
HI Alan,
just found the record “on a little street in singapore”. Have never heard such a wonderful voice.
Best regards,
Hi Gregg,
so great to hear from you. Wow! it’s been a long time since “Oliver” I’d love to talk sometime. I have a photo of you in I when we were in San Francisco, it was a jewish holiday and we went to a temple there. Are you on Facebook? drop me a line at my e-mail, I check that everyday.
Hello Alan
I like your version of Cherry….Looking forward to seeing you again here in Boise Feb 2..Last time you caught the biggest fish..
Hello Alan–it’s great to be able to talk direct to you–although i feel a tinge of guilt. I recently found my worn out ‘Pastiche’ vinyl album again, and then decided to buy the recently released dual cd of ‘Pastiche’ and ‘Coming out’, –and boy was i knocked out afresh, by the sheer elegance, beauty, and unmatched perfection of those performances. Man/ Trans music will never be equalled–let alone bettered. I suppose the group has evolved over the years, and you have all done seperate projects etc. but does it still exist as an entity ? and will there be any visits to the UK ? Regards Phil Croft
Dear Alan,
I love your voice, always loved it! Especially on ” Who, What, When, Where, Why…just brilliant…one of my all time favs…
Love from the Netherlands, Havelte..
Hey there Alan, have been a fan since the beginning. I have seen the Transfer too many times too count. Have seen Janis perform on her own and Cheryl as well. LOVE those girls. Keep singing with that beautiful voice of yours – you are an amazing talent and I am hoping to catch the Transfer at your Newport Beach gig in September.
Hello Alan: I have seen The Manhattan Transfer so,so, many times back in the 70’s! Laurel was still in the group! It’s now 30 some years later n i’m sitting here with my 3yr.old grand daughter Alyssa and she loves to hear you sing GLORIA! Over and over she wants to hear it! I just found your web site n seen that there are performances in New York in December! If the weather permits i’m gonna find my way to New York from Philadelphia to see you guys again…Thank You So Much Manhattan Transfer…….
Ever been a huge TMT fan ! I saw you in Marciac 10 years ago, great time ! You’re marvellous, awesome !
Still together, still singing, it’s so goooood !
Love you so much Alan, love TMT,
Take care !
Anne, from France
Hi Alan
Are you going to sing GLORIA at the Craterion in Medford OR???
Hi Alan, My wife and I just saw you guys tonight in Seattle 10-15-11 at 10pm show. We were front and center and you shook my hand and my wife’s ( she told me she’ll never wash that hand again). I have been a fan for 30 yrs(seen you last Oct at Jazz Alley and 11 years ago at the Ste Michelle winery in Woodinville,Wa). I’ve converted my wife who now LOVES MT ( her 2nd time to see you guys). Your music just warms my heart, makes me tap my foot and you guys are AWESOME. Can’t wait to see you again at jazz alley. P.S. I guess none of you noticed tonight the white napkin i slipped onstage with a request for “Ray’s Rockhouse”. It’s ok though, maybe next time. God Bless, Mike and Sue Holmes
Always wanted to say how much I love Twilight Zone / Twilight Tone. Saw it on a music channel back when it first premiered, which led to me searching out Manhattan Transfer… hooked for life with songs like Ray’s Rockhouse and Operator, Route 66 and Java Jive. Got me into swing, jazz and more. You are all just amazing and fun! Keep rocking forever!
Hi Alan,
Guess who? Goodwin Ave. seems like ages ago. What good times. Loved seeing you in Atlantic City when you gave me a picture and wrote we had such good times on Goodwin. We live in an active adult community in Somerset New Jersey. Guess your to busy to come perform here. Would love to see ya. Will you be in the area anytime soon. Keep singing, you are awesome. Irene
I heard “Gal in Calico” on Sirius radio; immediately bought “Pastiche.” Yet ANOTHER Manhattan
Transfer album I love (I’ve lost count of how many I have!) Especially love “Gal in Calico,” “Love for Sale” and “On a Little Street in Singapore.” Saw MT at Ohio State Fair in 1994; by FAR, the BEST concert I’ve ever seen. You guys are the BEST.
It’s only been about 50 years. Garage clubhouse on Renner. Pycho dog next door. Those were the days.
i wished i had gotten to see u guys at the walton center in bentonville arkansas dec 15 i have amired your group for many manjy years as a jazz musician myself since high school (im 50) have been in several jazz choira,orcheatras,combos etc in this jazz vain i only had wished i had been able to see u guys in bentonville on dec 15 would have made my life!!!!! complete!!!!
Hey, Alan, it’s Frank, your accompanist from the old old olden days in Hillside, Clifton, & surrounds. . . . FB page under “Francis Leo Curran.” . . . Hope to catch you Thursday night at U.Fla. Gainesville. Maybe see you afterwards. . . . Cheers, — Frank.
une grande joie que de vous écouter, qui dure et durera encore et encore et encore.
Patricia une fan française de toujours
Hi Alan,
For my birthday our children gave me and my husband tickets to your show March 23, 2012 in Reading, PA . You and the group have such fantastic voices. Our children have enjoyed listening to your music and the stories I tell them about college. I remember when we were classmates at Newark State in the Music Ed Department. I was a elementary school music teacher in Pennsylvania for 26 years, now retired. I would love to be able to come back stage and say hello to you on March 23.
Thanks for having a 40th Anniversary Tour.
Thank you, Barbara! Hope you enjoyed the show!
Thank you so much for coming to play for us in England at Ronnie Scott’s it is always a treat to see you. Great news about Cheryl, hopefully it wont be two years before we get to see you all together again. Any news on when the Vaults cd will be unleashed on the deprived public?
thanks again
Alan – Mentioned you in script for pilot of my new radio show, explaining nexus of YM-YWHA of Essex County (Newark Y) in 1960s. Haven’t seen your group in a spell, still love your sound. See you in the future… or as the farmer says “see you in the pasture”. PHA in Madison, Wisconsin
I woke-up in the middle of the night with “Walk In Love” in my head. I hadn’t thought about you all and your music for many years. You were so much the soundtrack of my life during the happiest/most difficult years, and I suppose I blocked you out for that reason. The “Pastiche” and “Mecca for Moderns” and “Twilight Zone” years in particular. So here I am, sitting here listening to all those wonderful tracks, remembering…
It’s strange the turns life takes. In recent years I have been working with people in the jazz world as a lyricist, even completing a lyric by Jon Hendricks. No doubt I was unconsciously influenced by the “Vocalese” album while doing so.
I see you have an appearance coming up in Olympia WA in September. I think it’s time I saw you in person again. It won’t be easy in some ways, as all the people I shared you with “back then” are gone now. But perhaps that is all the more reason why I should go.
Thanks for all you have brought to my life.
Paul Mendenhall
Hi Al
I’ve seen the Manhattan Transfer 7 times from 1981 in London where i first saw the band playing at the Apollo Victoria. You are the crooner of the band and your voice sounds as good as ever. I last saw you all at Ronnie Scotts and as ever you were all absolutely brilliant. Glad to see Cheryl back in the fold now. I’ll have to come over and see the band in the states for a change
Ray Lee
Hello Alan!
I had never heard of you at first until i was watching Hey Arnold! and you being the singing voice of “Dino Spamoni”, I was really curious of who that voice was so i looked you up. And because I really liked those cheesy songs sung in the show, I found you had a solo CD, I found myself even loving you and your music even more.
I have thus far downloaded two of your songs and I find myself listening to them over and over again! (I can’t wait to download the rest of the songs!) Wonderful voice you have, my good man!
I really hope you might come to Arizona! I would totally love to see you and TMT perform live over on the west coast!
Wishing you the best of luck with everything.
We are both Alums of Hillside high!! Have you ever gone back?
Your solo turn tonight in Santa Cruz, like the others, blew us all away. I, along with countless others, am so glad that you are part of the wonderful ensemble that is The Manhattan Transfer, and am especially pleased that TMT booked into the Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz on your 40th Anniversary Tour.
Thanks for the memory!
Just seen you guys at the PNE in Vancouver, BC Canada! What a show! You were awesome! Please come back again soon!! best regards, lenn
Alan…..born and raised in “Down Neck’, Newark. East Side HS alum. Always great to see a fellow Newarker do so well. Cut my MT teeth on the first album and I’ve been a fan ever since. Will catch you in Seattle tonight at Jazz Alley and really looking forward to it. Thanks for the many hours of beautiful music that has been unquestionably part of the fabric of my life. All the best to you and yours…..Glenn
You mentioned during the concert in Logan, UT that you have a new album in the works. When can I expect it to be released?
ALan, saw the show last night in TO…. loved it… friends of Steve Haas. Loved you guys since college days! Im a drummer in LA as well…. brought back many memories.. i used to tour with “rare silk” in the late eighties… they are gone now.. was my dream gig. Thanks again for a wonderful show…
Good Day Alan Paul,
It was a pleasure meeting you a week ago when TMT sang in NYC. Wishing you and TMT continued success. God Bless, Dr. Tommy O!
Hi Alan,
Manhattan Transfer lives !! Shanghai jazz lovers gets 1 step higher hahaha .. I’m an avid fan of TMT since the late 70’s to the present … I’ve got a chance to have a side- job teaching voice harmony with a (chinese) quartet ! now they know what i was talking about who “TMT” is ! !
BTW, thank you so much for being so nice… remember the guy who was a friend of Bobby Enriquez (RIP) ‘shake hands w/you after the show at the Music Hall, my name is Jeun Nackorda, frm Brooklyn, NY … we’re hoping you guys will have a return engegement here !
thanks a lot & more power to TMTl !
Just saw you on a 1970’s “Top of the Pops” on the BBC. It brought back my youth. A real ” Chanson d’amour” Thank you !
What has happened with your second solo album Shoo Bop? Is it available yet? Will it ever be available?
Hi Alan—Saw you in Oakland last night—wonderful show! I thought you might want to know this: In the song “Trickle, Trickle,” the lyric line is, “Gotta go, gotta go to a party, yeah, please lend me your SHORT.” “Short” was street slang in the late 50s and early 60s for a car. It even appears in an early Beach Boys song, as, “two cool shorts runnin’ side by side.” Speaking of the Beach Boys, did TMT ever consider doing material with Four Freshmen-type harmony? Thanks.—JKL
Dear Alan thank you for the signed picture of the group at Dr Ben zurs office for me.Had tickets to see you all at the concert in Indian Wells.But this lousy virus but a damper on everything.This would have been the fourth time i would have been at your concerts.You guys are the greatest.Will see the next one when this blows over.All of you,please keep well.Your a national treasure.
Have enjoyed The Manhattan Transfer for years!! Magical, poignant, I.e., Barclay Square, etc., etc.Rendition of ‘Candy’, beautiful! Thank you for your years of sweet music. Alan J. Kreutzberg, East Lansing, Mi.