Greetings From Jakarta!

I want to thank all of our wonderful fans that came to our sold out concert at the Jakarta Java Jazz Festival last night. You made us feel very welcome. Looking forward to another exciting show tonight, this time with The Ron King Big Band, it will be a swingin’ night!
Comments 4
Thank you Manhattan Transfer for coming to java jazz, i love your show on Saturday, it was like a dream come true…
Fantastic…you all still keep your voice harmony Great..and two thumb for your 2 performance (Chick Corea Song Book and with Ron King Big Band) in Java Jazz Festival…I was there and saw both ..can’t blink my eyes saw your performance… we always love you Manhattan Transfer ..and hope than next year you can come around on Java Jazz 2011………I was hoping that Janis sing MOVE and Cheryl of course MEET BENNY BAILEY…
Java Jazz Festival 2012..Peter Gontha as Chairman giving you Java Jazz Festival Award..and you all deserve it…but is not the same without Cheryl around…but I think Margaret is OK with only a week preparation replacing Cheryl…once again thanks for coming to Java Jazz Festival and hopefully that you’ll come next year
Thank you!!!